Alicante evening service launches 1st November 2023!
22nd May, 2023
Exciting expansion news, from the 1st November 2023, we are launching a second daily service to and from Alicante Airport. The second bus will collect all passengers arriving before a cut off time of 20.45 and suit departing passengers from 19.30 onwards. Passengers on earlier departing flights can still use the existing morning bus service.
The bus will follow the same route and pick up points as the morning bus, picking up between 14.25 at HPB & 16.05 at Huercal Overa, arriving at Alicante for 18.00.
The departing time from Alicante Airport will be dependent on the last arriving passenger, 18.45 at the earliest and 21.30 at the latest. (with a strict cut off scheduled latest landing time of 20.45)
Initially the service is set to be trialled as a daily service (excluding only Christmas day) from the 1st November 2023 until the 31st March 2024. If successful we will look to extend it through the summer of 2024. The price will be the same as our existing Alicante service at €32.99 per person, with discounts for groups and children.